Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center

Faith-based, comprehensive, individualized addiction treatment in Johnstown, PA
Call Today: 814-536-2111

Treatment: Overview

Peniel offers a no-nonsense, comprehensive approach that is tailored to fit each individual client. Programming consists of 13 months of intensive inpatient treatment made up of an intake period and four distinct treatment phases, each lasting approximately three months. An aftercare component is the final stage of treatment lasting six months after the client completes the program.

Peniel maintains the position that its counselors are helpers at best. The goal is to help clients empower themselves to manage their lives more effectively after leaving treatment. Our counselors are trained to be cognizant of the fact that the client comes into the program with total dependence upon the counseling staff as professionals. The role of the counselor is to teach the client how to discover, appreciate, and respect God as the spiritual power source of life itself. To testify to that source and to decrease as the client learns how to become more dependent upon the source and less upon the counselors and even themselves. The counselor then assumes the role of teacher, mentor, and supervisor – one who oversees the progress of the client.

Peniel’s treatment model focuses on holding the individual accountable for his actions by encouraging him to recognize and deal with his emotional conflicts in order to facilitate effective self and relationship management. The Peniel treatment model is an effective system that allows our clients the opportunity to work one on one with highly trained counselors in conjunction with a daily routine that allows the clinical staff to monitor the clients, pinpoint detrimental behavior, and offer suggestions to empower him/her to maintain lifelong sobriety. Through constructive criticism, peer interaction, individual counseling, classes, chapel services, and effective training, clients are stimulated to change and live sober and healthy lives.

If you or someone you know is in need of assistance or in-patient treatment, please do not wait, make the call today. 
(814) 536 - 2 111

Business Hours:
Mon. - Fri.  8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat. - Sun.  Closed

"Peniel is a brand new way of life."